Automotive Archives - Technology News & Trends To Navigate The Digital World. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:28:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Automotive Archives - Technology News & Trends 32 32 Top 5 Selenium Errors and How to Fix Them Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:28:11 +0000 As web apps grow more complex, test automation using Selenium has become essential for regression testing. However, getting Selenium scripts to run smoothly can be frustrating when encountering common errors like element not found...

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As web apps grow more complex, test automation using Selenium has become essential for regression testing. However, getting Selenium scripts to run smoothly can be frustrating when encountering common errors like element not found or timeout exceptions.

Debugging faulty Selenium code sucks precious time away from developing new test coverage. Even seasoned Selenium users struggle with cryptic error messages that offer little insight into the root cause.

In this blog, we will examine the top 5 Selenium errors developers face along with their underlying reasons and potential solutions.

Understanding these common Selenium pitfalls will help you speed up troubleshooting. You can spend less time scratching your head over faulty locators and stale elements. We’ll share tips to avoid and proactively handle Selenium errors through improved scripting practices.

With these fixes in your toolkit, you can create reliable test automation that breaks less often. Removing the headaches around Selenium errors will help boost your confidence and productivity in test automation. Let’s get started unraveling Selenium’s quirks!

Top 5 Selenium Errors and How to Fix Them

Here are the top 5 common Selenium errors and fixes:

1. ElementNotInteractableException

This error occurs when your Selenium script tries to interact with an element that is not currently visible or enabled in the UI. For example:

  • Clicking on a button that is hidden or covered by another element
  • Sending keys to a disabled input field
  • Selecting an option from a dropdown that is collapsed

So even though the element exists in the DOM, it is not in an interactable state when the interaction is attempted.


# Disable button after click
driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘btn’).click()
driver.execute_script(‘document.getElementById(“btn”).disabled = true’)

# Trying to click again will now fail
driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘btn’).click()
# Raises ElementNotInteractableException

So in this example, the button element transitions from an interactable to a non-interactable state between the first and second click actions. The second click fails because Selenium does not check if the element is enabled before clicking on it.

  • Check if element is enabled before interacting:

    btn = driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘btn’)

    if btn.is_enabled():

  • Use explicit wait for element to become clickable:

    WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ‘btn’)))
    driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘btn’).click()

This waits up to 10 seconds for the button to become clickable before attempting the click.

2. WebDriverException

The WebDriverException is a generic exception that occurs when there is a communication failure between Selenium and the target browser. Some common cases are:

  • Using an incompatible version of the browser driver
  • Browser driver crashing or disconnecting unexpectedly
  • Timeouts in communicating commands to the browser
  • Trying to run commands after the browser has closed
  • Incompatible driver version

    # Chrome version is lower than Chromedriver version
    chromedriver = ChromeDriver(version=”97″)
    browser = Chrome(version=”94″)
    # Raises WebDriverException due to incompatibility

    In this code, the ChromeDriver is being initialized to use version 97 while the target Chrome browser version is 94.

    The ChromeDriver and Chrome browser versions need to be compatible – the driver version should be >= the Chrome version.

    Since there is a mismatch between the ChromeDriver version (97) and the Chrome browser version (94), Selenium will fail to establish a connection between the driver and the browser.
    This will result in a WebDriverException being raised due to version incompatibility.

  • Browser crashed

    # WebDriverException as driver cannot communicate with crashed browser

    In this example, the test is attempting to navigate to a website using the driver.get() command.
    However, if the Chrome browser has crashed for some reason, Selenium will be unable to communicate with it to execute the .get() action.

    When Selenium tries to send the command to the browser but gets no response because the browser process has died, a WebDriverException will be raised due to the lost connection.

    So in both cases, the root cause is a failure in communication between Selenium and the target browser resulting in a WebDriverException.

  • Upgrade Selenium and browser drivers to their latest supported versions
  • Add waits and retries to handle temporary disconnects:

    for i in range(3):
    except WebDriverException:

  • Isolate tests to identify browser version failures

So WebDriverExceptions can arise due to both driver conflicts as well as underlying browser issues. Using stable versions and having robust waits/retries can mitigate such errors.

3. StaleElementReferenceException

This exception occurs when the DOM changes after an element was located, so the element no longer exists in the same form when Selenium tries to interact with it later.

For example, the element may have been deleted, re-rendered or the page navigated away.

  • Page refresh

    # Store reference to element
    elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, “myElement”)

    # Page refreshes and element is stale

    # StaleElementReferenceException thrown

    This code first locates an element by its ID and stores a reference in the elem variable.
    It then refreshes the page using driver.refresh(). This causes the page to reload and the DOM to be reconstructed.

    Finally, it tries to .click() on the stored element reference. But since the page was refreshed, the old DOM no longer exists – so the elem is now a stale reference.

    When it tries interacting with elem, it will throw a StaleElementReferenceException.

  • Element removed from DOM

    # Element removed via JavaScript after fetching
    elem = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, “//button[1]”)

    # Element no longer exists – exception thrown

    Here, the element is located first before the DOM is modified. The execute_script call removes the element from the document altogether.

    So when Selenium tries to .click() on the now non-existent elem, it raises a StaleElementReferenceException because the element no longer exists in the modified DOM.

    In both cases, the element becomes stale due to DOM state changes after fetching the reference.

  • Avoid storing element references. Find element directly before interacting:

    driver.find_element(By.ID, “element”).click()

    – Refresh reference before each interaction:
    elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, “element”)

  • Catch exception and re-find element:

    elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, “element”)
    except StaleElementReferenceException:
    elem = driver.find_element(By.ID, “element”)

4. NoSuchElementException

This error occurs when Selenium is unable to locate an element using the specified locator. Some common cases are:

  • The locator is incorrectly typed e.g. spelling mistakes
  • The locator is not unique enough and matches multiple elements
  • The desired element is not yet present in the DOM
  • Incorrect locator

    # Incorrect spelling of ID
    driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘lname’)

    This locator is trying to find an element by ID, but has a typo in the ID string.
    If there is no element with ID lname on the page, Selenium will be unable to find the target element and will throw NoSuchElementException.

  • Not unique locator

    # Not unique – multiple elements with same class
    driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, ‘input’)

    Here, a class name locator is being used. Class names can match multiple elements on a page.
    If Selenium finds more than one element with the class input, it will not know which specific element to return and will throw NoSuchElementException.

  • Page not loaded

    # Page not fully loaded before finding element
    driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, ‘button’)

    This navigates to a new page, but immediately tries to find an element before the page is fully loaded.
    If the tag does not exist on the page yet, Selenium will throw NoSuchElementException as it tries finding the element too soon.

  • Double check locator string is typed correctly
  • Use unique locators like ID instead of name/class
  • Add waits before trying to find element:
    WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, “submitBtn”)))
  • Limit scope of locator to section of page

The key is using reliable locators and allowing time for elements to load before accessing them.

5. TimeoutException

Here is a detailed explanation of the TimeoutException error and fixes:


A TimeoutException occurs when Selenium code waits longer than the defined time for an expected condition to occur. Common cases:

  • Page load timeout exceeded
  • Element not found within timeout duration
  • Wait for element visibility/interaction exceeds timeout
  • Page load timeout

    # Timeout too short for page load

    This sets the webpage load timeout to 3 seconds using set_page_load_timeout(). It then navigates to

    If the page takes over 3 seconds to load, the timeout will expire before the page finishes loading. This will cause a TimeoutException to be raised.

    So if takes over 3 seconds to load, the short timeout will be exceeded and result in a timeout.

  • Element visibility timeout

    # Element not visible in 5 seconds
    driver.find_element(By.ID, “spinner”).is_displayed()
    WebDriverWait(driver, 5).until(EC.visibility_of_element((By.ID, “spinner”)))

    This first checks if the spinner element is displayed. If not, it waits up to 5 seconds for the spinner to become visible on the page.

    If the spinner does not appear within 5 seconds, the .until() condition will time out as the visibility requirement was not met within the threshold.

    So if the spinner element takes longer than 5 seconds to become visible, a TimeoutException will occur due to exceeded wait time.

  • Set optimal explicit and implicit timeout durations
  • Use effective wait conditions like element_to_be_clickable
  • Handle exception and retry timed out actions
    my_element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element((By.ID, “elem”)))
    except TimeoutException:
    my_element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element((By.ID, “elem”)))
  • Setting timeouts as per app needs and having robust waits/retries can help mitigate timeouts.

a. Achieve Rapid and Robust Test Automation with LambdaTest

Here are more details on the key Selenium automation features provided by AI-powered test orchestration and execution platforms like LambdaTest:

i. Extensive Grid of Real Browsers

LambdaTest gives access to a scalable online Selenium grid comprising 2000+ real desktop and mobile browsers. The grid includes all major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge across a range of operating systems including Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. New browser versions and devices are continuously added.

ii. Support for All Languages and Frameworks

The LambdaTest Selenium grid supports test automation in all popular languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, PHP, etc. It also has native integration with all major test frameworks such as Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Puppeteer, and Appium. Configuration is simplified through detailed docs and client libraries.

iii. Local Testing with Lambda Tunnel

LambdaTest Tunnel enables running tests on locally hosted or privately hosted web pages and apps by establishing a secure tunnel connection. This avoids exposing internal servers directly to the internet. Tunnel also reduces test failures caused by firewalls and network constraints.

iv. Comprehensive Test Execution Logs

LambdaTest provides extensive logs for each test run – Selenium logs, videos, network traffic, console logs, screenshots, and more. These execution artifacts aid in faster debugging and root-cause analysis of test failures.

v. Geolocation Testing Capability

The platform has an in-built geolocation feature that allows testing an application from different geographic locations. This helps validate region-specific use cases and localization. 60+ countries and regions are supported.

vi. Powerful Analytics and Reporting

LambdaTest offers detailed analytics on test executions like pass rate, failures, errors, etc. Filterable dashboards provide insights into test health. PDF and email reports can be auto-generated to share results with stakeholders.

These capabilities together enable performing reliable test automation at scale on LambdaTest’s cloud infrastructure.

b. Conclusion

Selenium errors like ElementNotInteractableException, WebDriverException, and TimeoutException can quickly derail your test automation efforts. Debugging faulty locators or waits eats up valuable time that could be better spent enhancing test coverage.

The goal is to spend less time troubleshooting failures, and more time expanding the capabilities of your test framework. Knowledge of Selenium’s quirks combined with sound automation hygiene will help tame test flakiness.

Tools like LambdaTest can provide cloud infrastructure, speed, and analytics to further boost test resilience. Leveraging the right techniques and solutions will let you harness the power of Selenium for stable test automation.

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Status Of CNC Custom Machining In The Automotive Industry Thu, 24 Nov 2022 16:31:48 +0000 In the automotive industry, the parts of automobiles with complex features like angle cuts, off-centre holes, and cavities are fabricated using Custom CNC machining. It is capable of creating parts that cannot be created...

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In the automotive industry, the parts of automobiles with complex features like angle cuts, off-centre holes, and cavities are fabricated using Custom CNC machining.

It is capable of creating parts that cannot be created with standard CNC machining. It helps the engineers to modify and innovate the design according to the specifications of the vehicles. Moreover, custom-milled parts of the vehicle having complex features can be made by CNC custom milling with high accuracy and quality.

1. Benefits of Custom Machining in the Automotive Industry

CNC Custom Machining In Automotive Industry

Some people are still using classic and vintage cars, which require restoration of parts like the exhaust system, interior components of the engine, engine parts, gearboxes, brakes, hydraulics components, bushings, suspension components, engine components bodies, etc.

The manufacturer does not manufacture these components, so custom machining is required to make these necessary parts with specialized features. Engineers do reverse engineering to make these parts, and by creating 3D models of these obsolete parts, customized parts are made.

The following are some benefits of custom machining in automotive industries:

a. Accuracy and Precision:

In the automobile industry, custom parts must be made with precise and highly accurate specifications. CNC Custom machining can produce highly accurate details of required specifications by meeting high-quality standards.

b. Time-Saving:

One of the critical factors in manufacturing is the time required to complete the project. Custom CNC machining offers the advantage of time-saving, which may be wasted in locating the ready-made parts that you need and that are not available in the market.

Instead of wasting time in market surveys, the required specific features can be manufactured through custom CNC machining, and the project can be completed well in time.

c. Repeatability:

In the case of mass production of the parts, the CNC custom machining can reproduce the parts precisely with the exact specifications and standards.

d. Automation:

Automation is another benefit of CNC machining. In CNC machining, different operations are controlled numerically by computers which minimize the requirement of manual operations. With the elimination of labour-intensive machining, robotics arms perform other machining processes.

Production Speed: CNC offers a high production rate compared to conventional machining. In CNC custom machining, there is less labour involvement, and the manufacturing process is controlled by a computer so that the parts can be produced at higher rates than the conventional manufacturing process.

2. Some Design Guidelines for Custom CNC Machining

To produce high-quality parts and products at lower cost, the following are some guidelines for custom CNC machining:

a. Cavities:

The depth of the recesses or pockets should be less than four times the width of the cavity (i.e. d < 4xL). If the depth-to-width ratio is smaller, the limited cutting length of the end tools may cause tool deflection or vibration during the fabrication of the cavities. However, if holes with larger depth-to-width ratios are required, then special cutting tools are required for manufacturing. The manufacturing cost is also increased due to the requirement of specialized tools in CNC custom machining.

b. Wall Thickness:

Some Design Guidelines for Custom CNC Machining

The parts must be produced with high accuracy and tight tolerances using CNC machining. In the case of thin walls, the accuracy and desired tolerances may be suffered due to the vibration in thin walls.

To avoid this, as a rule, the metal walls should have at least 0.8mm thickness, while parts made of plastics should have a minimum thickness of 1.5mm. If thinner parts are mandatory, they can be made, but the manufacturing costs will be increased.

c. Holes:

It is desired to have spots of standard diameters in the design to avoid requiring specialized drilling tools. It will minimize the deflection of the tool. It is recommended that the hole depth should be less than four times the end mill’s nominal diameter.

d. Tolerances:

Tolerances in parts manufacturing is the allowable variation in the parameters of the products without affecting the proper working of the parts.

Tolerances are specified with physical dimensions by using ± symbol (plus or minus) and adding a value, e.g. ±0.01mm. For example, a designer has decided to make a circular part with a diameter of 50 ± 0.5mm. This means that 1mm extra is allowed during the manufacturing without affecting the part’s functionality.

If the manufacturer has made the part with 50.5mm or 49.5mm, it will still function properly. The CNC machines can manufacture parts with tight tolerances up to 0.04mm. The manufacturing cost is increased in case of tighter tolerances.

3. The Challenges Faced by CNC Custom Machining in the Automotive Industry

There are a lot of benefits of CNC custom machining over the traditional machining processes, but there are also some challenges that are faced by CNC custom machining. The following are some drawbacks of custom CNC machining:

a. Lead Time:

Lead term is one of the main problems in manufacturing processes. It is essential to meet the deadlines of manufacturing projects. Due to the complexity of the machining processes, it may take months to complete even a single part with desired specifications. It can be the main hurdle for the manufacturers who are bound to complete the project in a specified time.

b. Cost:

Cost is another problem in CNC custom machining. Although the initial investment is high in traditional machining, the long-term costs are lower. However, in the case of custom CNC machining, some tools or fixtures may be required to produce desired complex parts. In these cases, the additional cost is included in the total cost.

c. Quality:

Another challenge faced in CNC custom machining is the quality of the required products. High-quality machinery and expert operators are required to manufacture the parts with the highest standards. In the case of small business or production orders, it may not be favorable and the quality of the product is compromised.


The custom parts of automobiles are made to beautify the vehicle and promote the car’s individuality, enhance the vehicle’s performance, or replace parts. In automotive industries, CNC custom machining is an ideal option to produce parts with complex features that are not readily available in the market.

Due to the requirement of high accuracy of critical components of automobiles, The Engine Block components like pistons, cylinders, rings, engine block, and manifolds are made by custom CNC machining process.

The Challenges Faced by CNC Custom Machining in the Automotive Industry

In the case of headlights of the vehicle, it is desired to have custom headlights that enhance the vehicle’s overall look as well as efficiently diffuse and transmit lights for better vision. The custom headlights of the different vehicles can also be made by CNC custom machining.

To make these custom parts some essential guidelines are vital to consider while making customized complex parts (including cavities, wall thickness holes, and specified tolerances) using CNC custom manufacturing.

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The Ford Mustang Mach E Electric SUV Technical, Interior Features and Specifications Tue, 22 Nov 2022 23:33:53 +0000 The Ford Mustang Mach E is a car that is guaranteed to turn heads! It features a sleek design and sports the latest engine technology. This includes an all-new Electric EV Engine that provides...

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The Ford Mustang Mach E is a car that is guaranteed to turn heads! It features a sleek design and sports the latest engine technology.

This includes an all-new Electric EV Engine that provides improved economy and performance, having good horsepower and more torque and a targeted EPA-estimated range of 247-314 miles in various models.

The Ford Mustang Mach E also comes equipped with a new 10-speed automatic transmission, providing more gear options for a smoother driving experience and enhanced powertrain performance.

The 2023 Ford Mustang Mach E has four variants.

  • Mustang Mach E select
  • Mustang Mach E GT
  • Mustang Mach E Premium
  • Mustang Mach E California Route1

1. Ford Mustang Mach E Technology

a. Ford BlueCruse

Ford BlueCruseSource:

The new Ford Mustang Mach E comes up with Ford BlueCruse, and you can use Hands-free highway driving may turn an average journey into an unforgettable experience.

b. Ford Co-Pilot360 Technology

360-degree camera with split view and front washer, Ford Co-Pilot360 Active 2.0, including Active Park Assist 2.0 and ford BlueCruse Hands-Free Highway driving

c. Ford Co-Pilot360 2.0


  • Pre-Collision Assist with Automatic Emergency Braking
  • BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) With Cross-Traffic Alert
  • Lane-Keeping System With Blind Spot Assist
  • Lane-Keeping System With Road Edge detection
  • Rear View Camera
  • Auto High Beams
  • Reverse Brake Assist
  • Rear Parking sensors
  • Post-Collision Braking

d. Ford Co-Pilot360 Assist 2.0

  • Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control With Stop-and-Go
  • Lane Centering Assist
  • Speed Sign Recognition
  • Evasive Steering Assist
  • Intersection Assist
  • Connected Built-In Navigation (3 years of service)

e. FordPass App

With the help of this FordPass app, you can connect and control your Mustang Mach-E vehicle from anywhere.

f. Sync 4A

Sync 4ASource:

With the help of Sync 4A, you can Synchronize and access cloud-based Navigation, Real-Time cognizance, and much more with a large 15 Inch full touch screen.

2. Ford Mustang Mach-E Technical Features and Specifications

a. 2022 Mach-E GT Performance Edition

Mustang Mach-E GT performance edition has added performance on top of performance to give you 480 Horsepower and 634lb-ft of torque.

Plus, 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds with extended-range battery and eAWD and additional blistering acceleration, The Mustang Mache-E GT performance edition is equipped with the Magneride, Damping system, Adaptive Suspension technology that lets drivers hug the road while delivering an exciting and comfortable ride.

b. Mach-E GT Performance Edition Key Features

  • ACCELERATION: 0-60 in 3.5 Seconds
  • PEAK POWER:480 Horsepower
  • PEAK TORQUE: 634 lb.-Ft. Torque
  • EFFICIENCY: 260-Mile EPA-Estimated Range
  • BATTERY: 91 kWh of Usable Battery Capacity
  • PERFORMANCE: MagneRide Damping System
  • POWERTRAIN: Permanent-Magnet Dual-Motor eAWD
  • EXTERIOR: 20-Inch Machined-Face Ebony Black-Painted Wheels
  • INTERIOR: Ford Performance front seats with fixed head restraints — Performance Gray ActiveX Seating Material with unique Miko perforated reflective insert and metallic contrast stitching.
  • INSTRUMENT PANEL: Aluminum Applique with Unique Design

MagneRide is a trademarked technology of BWI Group. Computer-generated image shown. Ford test data based on typical industry methodology using 1-ft rollout. Your results may vary. They were calculated via the peak performance of the electric motor(s) at peak battery power.

Your results may vary. Based on a full charge. Actual range varies with conditions such as external environment, vehicle use, vehicle maintenance, lithium-ion battery age, and state of health.

c. The features of the exclusive Mustang Mach-E ice white edition.

1. Exterior Features
  • Star White Metallic Tri-coat Exterior Paint
  • Star White Metallic Tri-coat Sideview Mirror Caps and Wheellip Moldings
  • Oxford White Front Door Badging
  • Oxford White pony badge (front/rear)
  • 19-inch Machined-Face Aluminum Wheels With Oxford White-Painted
2. Interior Features
  • Gloss White Instrument Panel Applique
  • Light Space Gray Armrests and Seats
  • Oxford White Steering Wheel Pony Badge

3. Mach E select

Mustang Mach-E SelectSource:

Exceptional from the Start. Setting our standard for all-electric SUVs, Mustang Mach-E brings you innovative technology, substantial driving range, and exhilarating performance.

Leading off the Mustang Mach-E lineup, the Select model has everything you need to inspire your next adventure.

a. Highlight Features of Mach E select

  • It Reaches 0-60 mph within 5.2 seconds (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 266 Horsepower 428 lb.-ft. Torque (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 247 miles of EPA-Estimated Range (Extended-Range Battery and RWD)

b. Mach-E Select Interior

Select Interior Source:

Expertly crafted for style and comfort, the Mustang Mach-E Select offers a Black Onyx interior with unique stitching and ActiveX™ Seating Material.

c. Comfort/ Technology Package:

Upgrade your Mustang Mach-E Select to this package, and you’ll get all this:

  • 360-Degree Camera with Split View and Front Washer
  • Cargo Area Cover
  • Power Liftgate
  • Heated Front Row Seats
  • Heated Steering Wheel
  • Memory — Driver’s Seat and Sideview Power-Folding Mirrors
  • Seats — 6-way Manual Passenger
  • Plus, you’ll get Ford Co-Pilot360™ Active 2.0:

d. Active Park Assist 2.0

1. Ford BlueCruise

Ford BlueCruise allows you to operate the vehicle hands-free while being monitored by a driver-facing camera that ensures you’re keeping your eyes on the road.10, This feature is compatible with prequalified sections of divided highways called Hands-Free Blue Zones that make up over 130,000 miles of North American roads.

4. Mustang Mach E GT

Ford Mustang Mach E GTSource:

If you love adrenaline, the Mustang Mach-E GT is for you. Experience power, performance, and rebellion — perfect for a passion-filled drive. Taking you to the next level of all-electric exhilaration, the GT Performance Edition harnesses 480 horsepower and 634 lb.-ft. Of tire-spinning torque* to go from 0–60 mph in 3.5 seconds.

a. Highlight Features of Mach E select

  • It Reaches 0-60 mph within 3.5 seconds (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 480 Horsepower 600 lb.-ft. Torque (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 270 miles of EPA-Estimated Range (Extended-Range Battery and RWD)

GT variant has eAWD (Electric All-Wheel Drive), which delivers exceptional performance and handling with an upgraded secondary electric motor, providing more juice for the ultimate driving experience. The Mustang Mach-E GT is engineered to provide excellent torque, grip, and handling via a draw from the battery pack.

This variant has Two trims, GT and GT Performance. Both variants have 20-inch machined-face aluminum wheels with high-gloss black-painted pockets that won’t go unnoticed. Plus, you get 245/45R20, GT Wheels are All-Season Tires, and Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Wheels are Pirelli summer tires.

b. Mach-E GT Interior

Mustang Mach-E GTSource:

The Mustang Mach-E GT interior gives you more reasons to stay glued to your seat. Get comfortable at high speeds with front-row heated bucket seats and Black Onyx ActiveX™ Seating Material with Miko® inserts and copper metallic stitching and piping.

c. Mach-E GT Performance Interior

GT Performance InteriorSource:

Take your ride up a notch. The Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Edition gives Performance Gray ActiveX™ front seats with perforated, reflective Miko® inserts and metallic accents.

The instrument panel adds extra flash to your dash with a uniquely-designed aluminum applique, and you’re always ready for the fast lane with fixed-position front-row head restraints. If you’re ready to transform your driving experience, the inside of a GT Performance Edition is where you belong.

5. Mustang Mach E Premium

Ford Mustang Mach E PremiumSource:

The Premium model is undeniably refined. Every aspect has been designed with expert quality and craftsmanship to surround you with luxury. The top-shelf quality can be seen with one glimpse of the streamlined, sculpted exterior and Mustang Mach-E performance — because this thoroughbred loves to run.

a. Highlight Features of Mach E Premium

Highlight Features of PremiumSource:

  • It Reaches 0-60 mph within 4.8 seconds (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 346 Horsepower 428 lb.-ft. Torque (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 303 miles of EPA-Estimated Range (Extended-Range Battery and RWD)

6. Mach E California Route1

Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1Source:

This signature model is captivating from coast to coast. Designed to go the distance, the Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 comes standard with the extended-range battery and RWD for an EPA-estimated range of 314 miles.171 Also available with eAWD.

a. Highlight Features of Mach E California Route1

Highlight Features of California Route1Source:

  • It Reaches 0-60 mph within 4.8 seconds (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 346 Horsepower 428 lb.-ft. Torque (Extended-Range Battery and eAWD)
  • 314 miles of EPA-Estimated Range (Extended-Range Battery and RWD)

The Ford Mustang Mach E Electric SUV Technical Features and Specifications are all referenced from the official Ford vehicle page. For more about Ford Mustang Mach E, visit the official blog.

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The Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars In The World In 2023 Fri, 04 Nov 2022 17:37:23 +0000 Many fans believe that huge V8 engines are the best way to get into a fun-to-drive sports vehicle. While eight-cylinder engines were formerly the only route to get into a sports vehicle, things changed...

The post The Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars In The World In 2023 appeared first on Technology News & Trends.

Many fans believe that huge V8 engines are the best way to get into a fun-to-drive sports vehicle. While eight-cylinder engines were formerly the only route to get into a sports vehicle, things changed as automakers discovered ways to improve the performance of smaller engines. This means that buyers have a plethora of Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars to choose from. There’s no doubt that sports cars are fun. They give you a fast ride, look good, and are easy to drive—but how do you make yours more fuel-efficient? 

While all these vehicles achieve excellent gas efficiency, they are not all lightning-quick in a straight line. The vast majority of fuel-efficient sporty automobiles are elegant vehicles that prioritize cornering ability above drag racing timings.

Of course, a few all-electric vehicles are highly efficient while providing exceptional performance, but they are expensive. Electric vehicles that seek performance typically sacrifice range.

Remember that some of the scores in this slideshow may differ from those you see elsewhere, as we are continually updating pages as new information becomes available. Continue reading to explore the 16 finest sporty automobiles with excellent fuel efficiency.

1. Audi e-tron GT | Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars

Audi e-tron GT

The Audi e-Tron GT is the most expensive car on this list, with a price tag slightly around six figures. On the other hand, the high-tech powertrain of an all-electric vehicle delivers blazing performance and excellent fuel efficiency ratings.

All variants include two electric motors as well as a two-speed automatic transmission. The standard e-Tron GT delivers 469 horsepower, while the RS variant produces up to 637 horsepower with a launch control boost. If you blink, you’ll miss the 3.1-second zero-to-60-mph speed. And 82 MPGe city/highway conditions.

The e-Tron GT is remarkable in bends, with quick maneuvers and enough grip. This is one of the few electric automobiles that can be raced. Despite its outstanding performance, the e-Tron GT can get up to 81 MPGe in the city mileage and 83 MPGe on the motorway.

2. Ford Mustang

Ford Mustang Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars

The Mustang has various mighty V8 engines, including one that produces up to 760 horsepower. However, the standard four-cylinder will provide the best fuel efficiency. With the automatic transmission, the turbocharged 2.3-liter basic engine Mustang produces 310 horsepower and achieves up to 22 mpg in the city and 32 mpg on the highway.

While getting a Mustang without eight cylinders may be upsetting, the turbo-four engine offers explosive performance. It allows the sports vehicle to reach 60 mph in around five seconds. The basic engine has little effect on the Mustang’s comfortable ride or pleasurable handling. The Mustang handles well in turns and has mild steering.

3. Ford Mustang Mach-E | Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars

Ford Mustang Mach-E Source:

The all-electric Ford Mustang Mach-E may have the same name as the classic pony car, but it an electric SUV. In other words, it couldn’t be more dissimilar to the gas-powered Mustang. The Mach-E does, however, share one feature with the sports car: performance.

The slowest Mach-E can reach 60 mph in 6.1 seconds, while the GT Performance trim takes 3.5 seconds. With the optional all-wheel-drive system, the Mach-E handles confidently and provides plenty of grips.

The Mach-E produces good results for the class, with a combined driving rating of 103 MPG-equivalent in its most economical model. In sportier versions, that statistic drops to 82 MPGe, which is still competitive with comparably sized hybrids. When fully outfitted, the Mach-E has a range of up to 314 miles.

4. Mazda MX-5 Miata

Mazda MX-5 Miata Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars In The WorldSource:

A list of fast vehicles would only be complete by mentioning the Mazda MX-5 Miata. Few vehicles are as delightful to drive pound per pound as this roadster. It’s not the most powerful vehicle on the market, but its four-cylinder engine provides plenty of power.

The Miata excels on twisty roads, changing direction fast while delivering superb steering sensation. The Miata, unlike other sports cars, has some body roll at bends, which results in a pleasant ride.

With the automatic transmission, the Miata achieves 26 mpg in the city and 35 mpg on the interstate. The Miata is more fuel efficient than other cars in its class, although it does require premium fuel.

5. Volkswagen GTI

Volkswagen GTIScource: Volkswagen

He completely revamped The Volkswagen GTI may have a new design and additional technological features. Still, it remains a fun-to-drive sporty hatchback that can also manage the everyday commute.

The GTI’s turbocharged four-cylinder engine has been updated to 241 horsepower for 2022. Despite the increased power, the GTI boasts greater fuel efficiency, with 24 mpg in the city fuel efficient and 34 mpg on the interstate.

The GTI is not only more powerful than before, but it is also more fun to drive owing to a standard limited-slip differential and retuned suspension. The GTI features quick reflexes, a lot of grip, and strong brakes. When you consider that the GTI seats up to five people and offers up to 34.5 cubic feet of cargo capacity, it’s the whole deal.

6. Toyota Supra

Toyota SupraScource: Toyota

Despite its intimidating appearance, the Toyota Supra has an efficient engine.

The turbocharged four-cylinder engine in the sports vehicle is rated to generate up to 25 mpg in the city fuel efficiently 32 mpg on the highway. Those are outstanding numbers for the premium sports vehicle segment.

Despite producing only 255 horsepower, the standard four-cylinder engine feels surprisingly speedy off the mark and accelerates aggressively. It takes only five seconds to accelerate from a standstill to 60 mph.

The basic engine is also lighter than the optional six-cylinder engine, making it seem even more agile through corners. The four-cylinder Supra seems tail happy when exiting bends without a limited-slip differential, giving in a sporty driving experience.

7. BMW 2-Series

BMW 2-SeriesScource: BMW

BMW’s 2 Series coupe will be completely redesigned in 2022. The luxurious little vehicle ranks well in our rankings due to its powerful engines and agile handling.

The coupe’s standard engine is a turbocharged four-cylinder with 228 horsepower. The base engine propels the 2 Series to 60 mph in 5.5 seconds.

The steering wheel provides minimal sensation but doesn’t hinder the 2 Series from negotiating turns well. The coupe has little body roll and a fast turn-in to be fun to drive. When not tackling turns, the 2 Series provides a smooth ride.

To get the most fuel economy out of the 2 Series, stay with the base engine and the 230i coupe trim level. The combo achieves 26 mpg in town and 35 mpg on the interstate.

8. Honda Civic Si | Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars

Honda Civic Si Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars Source: Honda

Because we examine a car’s whole portfolio when assigning a performance grade, the one for the Honda Civic Si somewhat undersells the sporty Si variant. If the car were examined independently, it would undoubtedly receive a higher grade.

The Civic Si has a 200-horsepower turbocharged four-cylinder engine and a six-speed manual gearbox. The powerful engine provides quick acceleration, and the manual transmission is a delight. The Si offers sharper handling than the regular Civic due to more robust suspension, but the ride remains pleasant.

Although the Civic Si is the most potent model in the lineup, it achieves excellent fuel efficiency statistics of 27 mpg in the city and 37 mpg on the interstate.

9. Mazda3 | Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars


The Mazda3 ranks towards the top of our tiny vehicle ranking due to its upmarket interior and quick performance. Because of the way it handles curves, the Mazda3 makes every journey fun. The driving is natural, and the Mazda3 has a controlled body roll without a harsh ride.

The optional turbocharged engine or the mid-level 2.5-liter four-cylinder offered with a manual transmission in the Premium hatchback are the only options for the sportiest Mazda3. The standard 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine, which produces 155 horsepower, is the most fuel-efficient.

According to the EPA, this engine is only available in the sedan and delivers 28 mpg in the city and 36 mpg on the highway. These aren’t terrific numbers for the class, just another incentive to go with a more powerful engine.

10. BMW Z4

BMW Z4Scource: BMW

The Toyota Supra and BMW Z4 share many components. The basic sDrive30i model has the same turbocharged four-cylinder engine as the Supra and gets 25 mpg in the city and 32 mpg on the interstate. While the two cars are identical, the Z4 feels distinct due to its tune and convertible-only body design.

This is the first model of the Z4 without a manual transmission, yet the eight-speed automatic transmission is a delight to handle. When not hurtling down the road, it has rapid gears and is smooth. The soft-top convertible provides an excellent balance of agility and comfort, making it a pleasure to drive daily.

11. Chevrolet Corvette

The Chevrolet Corvette is a two-seat sports car with a 6.2L V8 engine, which produces 450 horsepower and 455 lb-ft of torque. It features a 7-speed manual transmission with paddle shifters for quick shifting when you need it most to keep up with the competition.

Corvette gets 17 mpg city and 29 mpg highway, so you won’t need to worry about spending too much on gas if you choose this car as your next purchase!

12. Nissan GTR | Most Fuel Efficient Sports Cars

The Nissan GTR is a performance car that can be used to get from point A to point B. It’s got all the right ingredients for an efficient sports car:

  • A 3.8-liter V6 engine with 400 horsepower and 376 pound-feet of torque (the most powerful engine in its class)
  • Manual transmission
  • Top speed of 196 mph

13. Ford Mustang Ecoboost

The Ford Mustang Ecoboost is a great sports car for those looking for fuel economy close to their ideal. This turbocharged 2.3-liter engine produces 365 horsepower and 350 lb-ft of torque, which makes the car feel quick despite its relatively modest power output. Its 0-to-60 time of 5 seconds is also rapid, and it has an EPA rating of 25 mpg city and 35 mpg highway—not bad at all!

The handling isn’t quite as impressive as its performance numbers might lead you to think.
At the exact time, it does have some grip from the tires thanks to its suspension setup (an independent rear Coilover setup)

There’s nothing else going on here besides some heavy steering weighting up front when cornering hard at high speeds around town or on twisty roads off-road trails near your local parkway system.”

14. Porsche Boxster S

If you’re looking for a sports car that’s both powerful and fuel-efficient, the Porsche Boxster S is your best bet. This 2+2 model boasts an EPA-estimated 30 mpg on the highway and 21 mpg in town, so you won’t have to worry about getting gas too often.

The Porsche Boxster S can reach 60 mph in just 5.2 seconds—that’s faster than most other cars with six cylinders under their hoods—and it’ll top out at 175 mph before pulling over for refueling anyway! Its 3.4-liter engine produces 340 hp and 272 lb-ft of torque (or 290 Nm), meaning this little machine will get up to speed quickly on its way back home after work or school activities as well as during weekend drives to see friends or family members who live far away from where they live themselves.

15. Jaguar F-Type

If you’re looking for a sports car with a punch, the Jaguar F-Type is your best option. The 3.0L supercharged V6 engine can produce over 400 HP and 400 pound-feet of torque, creating it one of the numerous robust engines on this list.

The F-Type has an EPA rating of 24 mpg city and 31 mpg highway—which puts it right in line with some cars that cost significantly more than it does—and it also offers outstanding performance figures: 0-60 mph in 3 seconds flat, 100 mph top speed and 14 wins at Le Mans (it’s been there twice).

16. Subaru BRZ

The Subaru BRZ is a four-door sports car based on the Impreza, with a few modifications. The most notable change is the engine: it has two cylinders rather than four and a turbocharger instead of an exhaust header. It also features manual transmission (which means you’ll have to shift it yourself) and front-wheel drive (FWD).

The standard version comes with a 2.0L boxer engine which produces 200 horsepower and 151 pound-feet of torque combined with its six-speed manual gearbox; this can be upgraded to 310 hp for $2,000 extra if you want even more power!

17. Fuel-efficient sports cars are a reality.

You might think sports cars are always fuel efficient, but you’d be wrong. That’s because “sports car” is a bit of a misnomer. While many luxury vehicles are powered by gas engines and use hybrid technologies to achieve better fuel economy, some cars marketed as “sports” can be very inefficient in their use of gas or electricity.

For example, a Porsche 911 Turbo has a city/highway fuel economy rating of 19 mpg, while its hybrid counterpart gets 26 mpg combined when driven on the highway at 65 mph (100 km/h). So if you’re looking for something that will get your adrenaline pumping while saving money at the pump—and hopefully not breaking down on an icy freeway—we recommend getting yourself one of these fantastic machines!


There you have it—the most fuel-efficient sports cars on the market. If you are examining for more details about your car, check out the car’s official websites.


This blog mentions some great Fuel-Efficient Sports Cars. The figures mentioned earlier, like the car’s name, Fuel-Efficient (Millage), and Performance score, are Approximent values and listed as per our research.

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Highest Paying Careers for College Graduates Sat, 10 Jul 2021 17:13:55 +0000 Are you looking for a job after your graduation? In the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, some remarkable careers options give you financial stability and peace of mind. Let us learn about some of...

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Are you looking for a job after your graduation? In the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, some remarkable careers options give you financial stability and peace of mind. Let us learn about some of the fastest-growing and highest-paying careers in demand for the future. Even if you are thinking of switching careers, this article will benefit you.

Which stream offers high-paying salaries for college graduates?

Here are some of the highest-paying industries for college graduates:

Engineering: Engineering is a multi-disciplined field that attracts a large number of aspirants. New engineering disciplines like petroleum, chemical, nuclear, biotechnology, computer, automobile, and genetic engineering have gained immense popularity among students.

Medical: Medical graduates can work directly with patients, perform administrative tasks, and can pursue many other career paths in this field. There are innumerable jobs in the healthcare industry that can be advantageous for the highest-paying roles and positions.

Finance: There are plenty of opportunities for graduates can enter the financial industry. The three primary areas are investment banking, corporate finance, and equity or debt research. A career in finance can be hugely rewarding; make sure you stand out during interviews.

Find the Highest Paying Careers Options

1. Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineers participate in the planning and manufacturing of new products. They are responsible for creating prototypes and product tests. Mechanical engineers usually report to project managers and work in an office, sites, or customer offices.

They determine requirements for manufacturing equipment and work with team members to create new product designs as per their customer needs.

National average salary: $92,800

2. Civil Engineers

Civil engineers design, plan and manage construction projects. These can be small-scale projects, such as building or bridge renovations, and large-scale projects, such as building large amphitheatres. They work in many sectors, such as transportation, structural, and environmental.

Candidates need to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Civil Engineering to become a civil engineer and are required to keep their technological skills up to date by attending various workshops.

National average salary: $93,720

3. Physicists

Physicists design, conduct, and evaluate experiments, methodologies, and quality control tests. These scientists study the properties of matter and energy to perform experiments. They find ways to apply existing techniques and technology to solve these new and often enormous mysteries.

Max, a programming expert who provides python assignment help services, says the physicists’ aspirants should have a strong aptitude for mathematics, trigonometry, and calculus.

National average salary: $97,980

4. Chemical Engineer

Chemical engineers work for industrial companies to develop products related to chemical compounds. They apply knowledge of various chemical properties to form new chemical substances. They also work to help reduce waste and inefficiency in industries.

A college degree in chemical engineering is required for this position. Chemical engineers may work in offices, in the field, or even in factory settings.

National average salary: $1,13,875

5. Economist

Economists advise businesses and government organizations on different subjects such as tax rates, development, energy facts, transportation, international trade, and health statistics.

They generally have a good understanding of various sampling or survey techniques. Writing skills and mathematical skills are also considered essential in economics, says Noah, a writing expert who provides pay someone to do my research paper service.

National average salary: $116,020

6. Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum engineers design methods and oversee the production for extracting oil and natural gas. These engineers work in offices or at sites. They are required to visit sites to meet other engineers, oil field workers, and customers.

Oil prices will be the major determinant of employment growth. Most petroleum engineers work for oil companies and design the drilling, pumping, prospecting, and storage equipment.

National average salary: $137,330

7. Pediatricians

General paediatricians specialize in caring for infants, children, and adolescents. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating illnesses, administering vaccinations, treating accidents and injuries.

Paediatricians generally work in a medical office or have their clinic. Their primary focus is on the welfare and general health of young adults.

National average salary: $175,310

8. Physicians

Physicians have to diagnose and assist patients with routine checkups. They do several tasks, including collecting, recording, and maintaining patient information, says Tom, who provides my java homework services to students.

They manage their patient’s medical histories, reports, and examination results. Physicians generally work for a private clinic or hospital with many nurses, assistants, and other practitioners.

National average salary: $192000

9. Dentists

Dentists can be general practitioners or specialists who require four years of dental schooling after completing their bachelor’s degree. Dentists prevent and treat problems related to mouth, teeth, or gums.

They repair broken teeth and also correct the orientation of crooked teeth by strengthening them. Most of them are self-employed, working full time and have their clinic.

National average salary: $288,550

10. Surgeons

A general surgeon specializes in performing medical surgeries. Many surgeons begin their careers as general surgeons before practicing further. They spend most of the time planning and performing surgeries. This involves medical procedures such as cutting into a patient, diagnose, correct internal medical problems.

General surgeons are highly trained individuals who spend many hours on their feet and are skilled to perform many surgeries.

National average salary: $526,000

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Real Life Use Cases for Predictive Analytics Mon, 10 May 2021 18:36:27 +0000 You may have heard someone mention predictive analytics or algorithms as a way of identifying future outcomes based on historical data. While the competitive advantage does exist for most companies that delve into these...

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You may have heard someone mention predictive analytics or algorithms as a way of identifying future outcomes based on historical data. While the competitive advantage does exist for most companies that delve into these predictive models, some industries may shrug their shoulders and think it’s not suited to their needs.

The truth is that data analytics can do wonders for just about any business. Here are a few implementations taking place in the working world right now.

1. Manufacturing

When it comes to bracing for future market trends or getting a gauge on the latest developments, manufacturing analytics relies upon predictive analytics. Historically, manufacturers struggled to use all of the data they received from the supply chain to production to customer response.


The manufacturing sector relied on expensive tools to help with any possible prediction or understanding of their workflow. However, new developments in big data analytics allow some companies to get a 360 view of their operations and truly optimize their outputs.

Manufacturing analytics provide:

  • Real-time insight.
  • Giving decision-makers a competitive edge by improving quality.
  • Accelerating innovation.
  • Redefining the customer experience.

These data analytics help increase productivity and profitability by using machine learning models to uncover hurdles in project management and potential for expansion. For example, by understanding supplier performance, manufacturers can work on analytics related to order management.

Large amounts of data can also be used to understand transportation and conduct real-time quality monitoring through each manufacturing process step. This abundance of data helps to create an efficient factory, optimizing maintenance and output.

2. Education

More school districts are relying on analytics to give leaders and staff some insight into student performance. With current data, district leaders can monitor progress and identify where to align their resources. For example, teachers can use predictive analytics to improve efforts tailored to individual students, regardless of their level of education.


Indicators for data analytics help to promote control and efficiency within a schooling environment. This use of data analytics can monitor trends in attendance and performance in courses from electives to the most rigorous workloads.

Most universities have relied upon predictive analytics to understand the undergraduate or graduate students they attract to campus. For example, schools that offer a master’s of business administration, or MBA, not only instruct students on business analytics but rely upon their own data management to better understand applicants.

Business schools use this data for strategic thinking to understand tuition affordability for prospective students and how students group by demographic. An MBA program may look at the data to understand student performance, highlighting which foundation courses attract the most students to the school and the best practice to assure their grads stand out in the business world.

3. Healthcare


From inpatient care to pharmaceuticals, the healthcare industry is relying on data analytics more than ever. Perhaps the most significant evidence of this has been brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, as experts rely on a wide array of data regarding testing, vaccination, and case numbers to make discoveries in how COVID spreads and how to combat it.

Using these analytics has helped direct leaders create a new normal, loosening restrictions in areas that are winning the war against this invisible enemy.

Data analytics also help health insurance companies understand their global market, ranging from customer service requests that may be becoming more prevalent to concerns over business processes that delay handling claims.

Analytics also help hospitals and doctor’s offices better understand patient care, recognizing the wants and needs of those seeking care within their respective systems.

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Five tech trends that will shape the automotive industry in 2021 and beyond Sat, 21 Nov 2020 15:32:54 +0000 Although 2020 was slower than usual for the automotive industry, due to the manufacturing delays caused by COVID-19, the industry is slowly starting to rebound, and we see glimpses of future innovations. Cars should...

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Although 2020 was slower than usual for the automotive industry, due to the manufacturing delays caused by COVID-19, the industry is slowly starting to rebound, and we see glimpses of future innovations. Cars should grow a great way in the past ten years; they’re sleeker, safer, and capable of higher speeds, but nowhere was progressed more evident than in the tech department.

Today’s cars are no longer just a simple means of transport for getting from point A to point B. They’re complex lifestyle products that have been changed so much by technology that they now meet many other purposes.

From the much-awaited self-driving cars to the channels by which cars are nowadays sold, here are the five most significant tech trends that will get bigger in 2021 and influence the automotive industry for years to come.

1. AI potential is taking centre stage.

Some studies estimate that there are now about 1,400 self-driving cars on US roads. That’s not a lot, but there’s a lot of progress being done, and the public is more open to autonomous vehicles than they were in the past.

Thanks to companies like Tesla, Google, and Uber, which are continuously pushing the limits of AI, self-driving cars are getting safer and more usable in real-world scenarios. At the beginning of the year, Elon Musk had already planned on launching Tesla’s first Robo-taxi fleet, but, because of the pandemic, this ambitious project was delayed until 2021.

And speaking of the pandemic, it played a significant role in changing the perception of autonomous vehicles. In the context of a new normal where social distancing measures define our lifestyle, the idea of self-driving vehicles that can deliver food, groceries, and driving people around has become even more valuable.

According to a pre-pandemic outlook, the autonomous vehicle market was estimated to be worth over $556 billion by 2026.

Still, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, investments could come pouring in, and we might see more self-driving cars on the roads than we initially expected. Still, safety remains a critical safety issue, and the industry will have to overcome many bureaucratic hurdles before self-driving cars are widely used.

2. Electric vehicles go mainstream.

According to data from the US Environmental Defense Fund, conventional vehicles are responsible for 75% of all carbon monoxide pollution. Aware of the high environmental impact of petrol engines and the cost-saving benefits of electric cars, more and more people choose electric vehicles instead.

In August 2020, there were over 1.6 million electric vehicles on US roads – much more than the 1.4 million estimates expected by 2024. And electrification is about to get even more significant. The high cost had always been the main factor why people avoided electric vehicles.

Still, now that the prices are much less prohibitive and there are even Government rebate schemes for electric cars, purchases are on an ascending trend. The only more significant challenge that must be resolved is that of charging stations. Right now, they’re present in bigger cities, but not so much in rural areas, making it harder to travel long distances.

3. Dealerships are moving online.

A modern car is a necessary purchase, and, traditionally, people have preferred going to in-person dealerships for years. However, for the first time, we see a change in preferences, and again it’s due to the social distancing guidelines imposed by the pandemic. Now, drivers are more likely to visit an online

  • car dealership

instead of going there in-person, and that happens for several reasons:

  • Drivers prefer comparing different car models and comparing prices from the comfort of their homes. When they go to a car dealership, they already know what car they want to buy, and they’re just there for the paperwork.
  • Drivers are trying to leave their homes as rarely as possible, so they try to limit their visits to land-based dealerships.
  • Modern dealerships are trying to normalize online car buying by offering simple and secure checkout, online financing options, and returns policies.
  • Automotive trade shows, which many people attended to discover new vehicles, are also moving online. Online dealerships have already included virtual tours so that clients can explore their options.

4. Increased demand for tech integration

Why do people change their cars? Sometimes, it’s because the old one has stopped working, it’s no longer fuel-efficient, or repairing it costs too much. But there are also many instances where drivers change their working cars because it no longer matches their lifestyle.

Technology has become a significant part of daily life. We spend two-thirds of our day in front of screens, and drivers expect tech to be present in their cars too. They want their vehicles to be compatible with the tools they already use at home and the office, such as:

  • Satellite navigation systems
  • Infotainment systems
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • Parking assist cameras
  • Radar cruise control
  • Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
  • Auto-dimming mirrors

What’s even more exciting is that high-end tech features are becoming mainstream and that, many times, clients would rather pay extra for tech integration rather than for upgrading the vehicle’s specs.

5G is also expected to play a significant part in automotive tech in the following years. According to a PwC study, there will be over 16 million 5G-compatible vehicles sold in the US, EU, and China by the end of the decade.

5. Shared mobility | tech trends that will shape the automotive industry

Although the most significant innovations have been reported in the vehicle ownership area, there’s also another growing trend that’s disrupting the automotive industry: shared mobility.

Shared mobility refers to all the ways that people share vehicles so that the number of cars on the roads doesn’t become too overwhelming. Popularized by Uber, shared mobility is now present in almost every country in the world, but all the more so in the US, Mexico, and Western Europe.

In busy urban areas, however, there’s also another competitor: e-scooter rental, which promises to solve the problem of traffic and get riders to their destination faster than cars. Overall, the ridesharing industry has adapted well to COVID-19, and experts estimate that its total market value will grow in 2021.

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Ensuring Your Battery Has Proper Voltage Tue, 13 Oct 2020 19:08:47 +0000 Having the right voltage flowing through your car battery can significantly impact how your vehicle operated and your electrical system’s health. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about this much. However, as...

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Having the right voltage flowing through your car battery can significantly impact how your vehicle operated and your electrical system’s health. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about this much. However, as cars get older or experience electrical problems, they are more likely to have improper battery voltage. Fortunately, this is relatively easy to check.

1. Checking Battery Voltage

The most reliable technique to check your car battery’s voltage is by using a multimeter, a standard electrical testing tool that can measure voltage, resistance, current, and sometimes other values. It is a must-have for anyone working on an electrical system. This is how to measure the voltage of the vehicle:

  • With the car off, turn the headlights on for a couple of minutes to ensure no surface charge in the battery.
  • Insert this multimeter to a setting above 15 volts (typically, this will be 15 or 20, depending on the meter).
  • Combine the multimeter to the +ve and -ve terminals of the battery.
  • The text should be around 12.6 volts.
  • Start the car.
  • The new assignment should be above 10.
  • A reading that drops below 5 indicates that the battery is terrible.

You can also often test battery health with a specialized tool that will give a more straightforward readout. If you own a car battery charger, that may also have a built-in health-checking feature.

2. How Does Voltage Affect Battery Life?

Your battery needs function well to be able to start the vehicle and run the various electrical systems. This includes critical safety features, including the headlights.

Many modern cars increasingly use electronics, computers, and sensors that rely on a functioning electrical system. Plus, most drivers want reliable heating and cooling and entertainment features.

If you have a battery that can’t hold the right voltage, it may experience a host of problems with the above vehicle systems. Plus, it may have a shortened service life.

Battery lifespans are estimated based on the battery operating in optimal conditions. The improper voltage could damage the cells in the battery and cause it to give out early.

3. How To Maximize Car Battery Life

The unit of the most useful things you can do for your car battery is to ensure it is installed properly, and the cables are fastened security. Having loose wires could cause improper voltage, excessive resistance, and other problems that may damage the battery.

You should also limit the number of short trips you take. These tend to rely more on the battery rather than the alternator. Plus, they involve more ignitions.

Finally, control the corrosion around your battery terminals. Check them periodically and clean them when necessary. You can use a mixture of baking soda and water, followed by a spritz of cold water. Always disconnect the battery first before cleaning.

4. Work on Your Vehicle’s Electrical System Today

If you are producing electrical difficulties with your vehicle, grab a multimeter, and check the voltage. If the battery seems to be wrong, get a new one. You can quickly look up vehicle specs VIN on popular automotive retail sites to find the right battery.

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What is a Corporate Fleet Vehicle? Fri, 13 Mar 2020 23:31:24 +0000 Corporate fleet vehicles are in evidence all over the country because they provide a valuable service to corporations in the conduct of normal business operations. Used for any purpose which might contribute to the...

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Corporate fleet vehicles are in evidence all over the country because they provide a valuable service to corporations in the conduct of normal business operations. Used for any purpose which might contribute to the natural processes of a corporation, corporate fleet vehicles can be of immense value in helping to ensure consistency and reliability for all transportation functions.

Generally speaking, most large corporations will prefer to lease their corporate fleet vehicles rather than purchase them outright, because it’s much more cost-effective to hire them. Leasing also frees up the corporate user from having to perform regular maintenance and repairs on the vehicle, because those responsibilities remain with the owner, which is typically a fleet management company.

Given the fact that corporate fleet vehicles play such a significant role in the US economy, it makes good sense to implement some tracking or monitoring system to ensure that fleet vehicles are used properly, so they will last longer and require less maintenance.

1. What is a Corporate Fleet Vehicle?

Essentially, a corporate fleet vehicle is one that is owned by the company and has a specific business purpose, which it is used for. An example might be a vehicle that makes deliveries daily or one which provides transportation to corporation employees.

It’s relatively easy to tell the difference between a corporate fleet vehicle and a personal use vehicle because there are several identifying characteristics. There may not be any physical features that would differentiate a corporate fleet vehicle from a personal use vehicle.

However, it’s still straightforward to keep the two distinct only by examining who owns the car and how it is used.
There are several different types of corporate fleet vehicles, ranging anywhere from cars to vans to trucks, as long as all of these vehicles are used for the conduct of business rather than personal use.

Another difference between corporate fleet vehicles and personal use vehicles is that a corporate owner will very often be able to obtain significant savings on the cost of purchasing or leasing a car, especially if the company has a good credit rating.

There are also generally some significant tax advantages and other deductions that may apply to corporate fleet vehicles, which you would not be eligible for on a personal use vehicle. It’s often possible for a corporation to purchase a large number of fleet vehicles at a discount, thereby achieving substantial cost savings.

Providing employees with a corporate fleet vehicle for the conduct of business can be a big morale booster and a source of pride for an employee, not to mention the convenience of it all.

Some corporations even use their fleet vehicles as an additional source of advertising by placing their corporate logo or company name somewhere on the side of the car, where observers can see it. In some cases, after a corporate fleet vehicle has been retired from service to the company, it will be offered for sale as a personal use car.

Anyone who is browsing for a used vehicle and sees that a specific car formerly served as a corporate fleet vehicle, should not be deterred by that designation.

Generally, it only means that the vehicle was leased by a corporation rather than owned by it and that it was still driven with proper attention to ethical behavior and efficient driving practices. Since most corporate fleet vehicles are monitored by tracking systems, you can have some level of confidence that the car was not abused, and that good driving practices were involved.

2. How Are These Vehicles Maintained?

To ensure that fleet vehicles are performing at their best and are not continually costing the owner a ton of money in repairs which would be preventable, a regular program of maintenance must be employed to keep these vehicles on the road and running efficiently. One of the first rules of thumb about fleet vehicle maintenance is to stick closely to the manufacturer’s recommended schedule for maintenance.

This can sometimes be a challenge if you have a considerable number of vehicles in your fleet because simply identifying when each one is due for maintenance can be a hassle. However, if you get into the practice of maintaining a detailed maintenance schedule, you should be able to service each vehicle at its regularly scheduled time without any issues.

At the time of maintenance, service records should be carefully kept, and odometer readings should be jotted down as well. It may be necessary to adjust maintenance schedules for vehicles which see heavy usage, or those which are routinely driven through off-road settings. Anytime a car is subjected to excessive idle times or more stops and starts than usual, that should be cause for more frequent maintenance as well.

A big part of maintaining your fleet vehicles will be encouraging drivers to report anything out of the ordinary since they are the individuals closest to the car and are best positioned to know when something is not right. One of your most significant aids in creating a consistent maintenance schedule is to utilize the technology which is available to you from a sound fleet management system.

This will enable you to build a custom support schedule, to monitor vehicle mileage, to store all maintenance records, and to keep a handle on all costs. The bigger your fleet of vehicles becomes, the more critical it becomes to enlist the aid of technology to manage that fleet and to ensure that maintenance is performed on all vehicles in a timely fashion.

3. Maintain Your Fleet Easily

Maintaining your fleet vehicles properly is the best way to ensure that they are kept in excellent running order, and it can also help to have their useful working lives prolonged to the greatest extent. When vehicles are regularly serviced, it can also help to stave off significant repairs that would otherwise go undetected and could end up costing your company a ton of money.

For this reason, you should contact us at GPS Technologies, so we can discuss some affordable GPS fleet tracking options with you for installing a sound fleet management system that will help you with your maintenance schedules, and ensure that nothing gets overlooked in the effort to keep your vehicles on the road and operating smoothly.

The post What is a Corporate Fleet Vehicle? appeared first on Technology News & Trends.

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